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If you want to organize your retreat in Sicily in collaboration with Kamla Yoga contact me through the appropriate form.
During the last hundred years, life has changed significantly throughout the world. The modern organization of society brings dispersion of human energies at all levels. The imperative of productivity and consumption have deeply conditioned our lifestyle, thinking, and communication.
Man’s mind has lost the point of balance and harmony in every sphere of existence. We are now experiencing a new epidemic of stress-related disorders caused by our inability to adapt to the highly competitive pace of life.
All most common psychosomatic illnesses such as hypertension, migraine, ulcers, digestive and skin diseases arise from tensions on the body and mind. The leading causes of death in developed countries, such as cancer and heart disease, stem from stress.
Yogic philosophy and modern psychology enumerate three basic types of tension responsible for everyday agonies: muscular, emotional, and mental.
Muscular tensions are related to the body, the nervous system, and endocrinal imbalances.
Yoga Nidra easily removes these types of tension thanks to the profound physical relaxation attained during the practice.
Emotional tensions stem from various dualities such as love-hate, profit-loss, happiness- unhappiness, success-failure and are more difficult to erase. This barrier is because we cannot express our emotions freely and openly. However, a method such as yoga Nidra can tranquilize the entire emotional structure of the mind.
Mental tensions are the result of excessive mental activity.
The mind is a whirlpool of fantasies, confusions, and oscillations. Throughout our life, the experiences registered by our consciousness accumulates in the mental body. These experiences explode from time to time, affecting our body, mind, behavior, and reactions. Yoga Nidra is the science of relaxation that enables us to dive deep down into the realms of the subconscious mind, thereby releasing and relaxing mental tensions and establishing harmony in all facets of our being.
Most people think that relaxation is effortless and often confuse it with sleeping. However, you are never genuinely relaxed unless free from muscular, mental, and emotional tensions. Even while sleeping, thoughts and worries revolve around the mind, and we often wake up feeling exhausted.
The truth is that despite a superficial sense of wellbeing, most people are full of stress all the time and caught into self-destructive habits without being aware of them.
The practice of yoga Nidra is the scientific method of removing these tensions.
Yoga Nidra is a more efficient and effective form of psychic and physiological rest and rejuvenation than conventional sleep. Those who adopt this technique in their daily routine soon experience profound changes in their sleeping habits.
The total systemic relaxation of a yoga Nidra session is equivalent to four hours of ordinary sleep.
Nidra means sleep, but yoga Nidra brings the mind between wakefulness and dream.
For this reason, this practice is also known as conscious or yogic sleep.
When you practice yoga Nidra you open the deeper layers of your mind.
The intellectual mind stops leaving space for the subconscious and unconscious mind to open.
The subconscious and the unconscious mind are the most potent forces in human beings.
The correct practice of yoga Nidra can change the nature of the mind, cure diseases, and restore your creative genius.
This simple practice of yoga Nidra has the capacity of penetrating the depths of the human mind.
If you know how to practice yoga Nidra, you can train your subconscious mind to readdress your life into a more healthy path.