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At the very early stages of a yoga student, there is often confusion around two famous yoga words: vinyasa and ashtanga. To better understand the meaning behind the terms ashtanga and vinyasa, we need to root in yoga philosophy.
The Sanskrit word vinyasa means “to place in a special way” and refers to the yoga method developed by the great master Krishnamacharya.
The Sanskrit word ashtanga means “eight (ashta)– limbed (anga).”
Ashtanga yoga is the eight-limbed path described by the sage Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras.
The eight limbs of Ashtanga yoga are:
- Yama- ethics for social discipline
- Nyama- ethics for self-discipline
- Asana- posture
- Pranayama- breathing control techniques
- Pratyahara- withdrawal of the senses
- Dharana- concentration
- Dhyana- meditation
- Samadhi- identification with pure consciousness
Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga is the yoga style developed by Pattabhi Jois during the 20th century after he left the guidance of his guru Krishnamacharya in Mysore.
Pattabhi Jois originally ideated three series of ashtanga vinyasa yoga: primary, intermediate, advanced.
The primary series builds strength and flexibility and promotes the body’s detoxification.
The primary series contains several standing and sitting forward bends and twisting asanas. This series is suitable for beginners.
The intermediate or second series purifies the nervous systems and the energetical channel of the body. This series is suitable for the advanced beginner who wants to train in a dynamic style of yoga.
The second series contains more backbend asanas, hip openers, and headstand variations. This series is quite intense and requires power and resilience.
The advanced series are for expert practitioners who have fully mastered the first two.
The advanced series develops into four series: advanced A or third series, advanced B or fourth series, advanced C or fifth series, advanced D or six series.
All series of ashtanga vinyasa yoga unfolds into a sequence of asana repeated in the same order.
Indeed each asana in the sequence prepares for the next one, so nothing should be omitted.
For this reason, traditionally, an ashtanga yoga student is not allowed to skip any pose of the sequence or use any variation. They can only proceed when the asana before is performed flawlessly.
Today Manju Jois, the oldest son of Pattabhi Jois, is recognized as the foremost authority of ashtanga vinyasa yoga.
He dedicated his life to practicing and teaching yoga. He still trains teachers in ashtanga yoga according to tradition.
Sharat Jois, the grandson of Pattabhi Jois, also continued following this lineage and founded the Sharat Yoga Centre in Mysore. He has officially authorized only a limited number of students to spread his knowledge further over the years.